The 6 finalists projects of ELA Awards 2020
November 10, 2020 14.00
Sheraton Brussels Airport Hotel
ELA is proud to announce the 6 finalists projects of the 2020 competition ELA Awards (in alphabetical order):
. CTT Correios de Portugal S.A., Portugal
. LIDL CH – Krummen Kerzers, Switzerland
. LOXXESS AG, Germany
. Rolls-Royce plc – CEVA Logistics, United Kingdom
. Stukwerkers – Interface Terminal Gent/Eastman Chemical, Belgium
The winner of best project award will be announced on November 10th during the award ceremony taking place at Sheraton Brussels Airport Hotel, in Zaventem, Brussels, Belgium.
An award for the best presentation, which will be chosen by the attendees both online as onsite, will be handed over as well.
As mentioned above, the event will take place both onsite and online.The number for physical attendance are limited respecting the COVID regulations in place.
Register now and book your place at the European logistics and supply chain professionals meeting.
The event will start at 14:00 with welcoming speech and live transmission. The broadcasting will end after the awarding moment, but the evening will continue for the physical guests with special round table and a networking dinner.
Register here for physical attendance
Register here for online attendance
The jury
All projects were submitted to an international jury, which consists of high-level practitioners in logistics from sectors in retail, industry, consulting, service providers and the academic world.
Each ELA member association can nominate one member of the jury who may commit for a period of three years as member of the jury (not mandatory). In addition, the winners of the last three years editions of the ELA Awards will be invited to take part in the jury.
Special thanks to our professional jury for their hard work and dedication. You can check out the members of the jury here